by Ursula K. LeGuin
Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin
2017, 225 pages, $14.99
ISBN 978-1-328-50797-6
Click here to purchase
It’s old news about the death of an SF icon: Ursula K. LeGuin. I remember how serious of a reader you had to be to read THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS or THE DISPOSSESSED.
In 1980, I remember watching, on PBS TV, an adaptation of LeGuin’s novel THE LATHE OF HEAVEN.
I always found LeGuin infinitely readable and looked forward to picking up a book with her own comments about life, literature or anything. She sounds so reasonable. So in NO TIME TO SPARE, I just knew I would have HOURS of reasonable reading, as these were her blogs, almost endless samples of them to enjoy. A venerable feast of blogs.
Is a group of blogs a blathering of blogs?
These are the annals of Pard, her beloved cat, who found her way in, as cats do, to the LeGuin family household. But LeGuin’s essays are about a lot of things, including remembrances of past travel, of people she has met, of her family through the years and mostly of the mores and morals of society.
It seems she is somewhere, now, doing another blog about Pard. “Pard’s Eternity”: that sounds like a LeGuin novel if ever I heard one.