ed. By Joy Sanchez-Taylor

The Ohio State University Press
2021, 192 pages, $29.95

ISBN 978-0-8142-5797-5

Click Here to Purchase

All of us are witnesses to the “rewrite” of the history of science fiction in front of our eyes. No longer will the art of creating SF or speculative fiction be the sole responsibility, or attraction, of white, Eurowestern men. Of course that sea change is long past due.

Sanchez-Taylor cites a LOT about how SF is changing its ways by sorting through the distribution of white privilege and officially recognizing a Black, and/or LGBTQ+, diversified universe of talented SF artists. These artists have a memorable, strident voice, and even the awards presented annually by the SF community and organizations have reflected that.

From Page 13:

“Considering science fiction’s history of both reinforcing and challenging colonial paradigms, it is no surprise that authors are beginning to look to science fiction themes to revise the Eurocentric rhetoric that dominates colonial history and literature.”

DIVERSE FUTURES, a collection of heavily pointed essays, rings so true. It remains a sad indictment that the SF community took so long to embrace the truth about diversity in SF.