by Alan Dean Foster
Fantastic Books
2022, 269 pages, $14.99
ISBN 978-1-5154-4785-6
Click Here to Purchase
I remember clearly a lot of SF written by Alan Dean Foster, and I bought some of his novels from the late 1970s (remember the Science Fiction Book Club?). I lost many of those in a flooding disaster in September of 2011. I wasn’t aware, until now, that Foster wrote many laymen/women science/pontification columns about our real world, similar to what the Good Doctor Isaac Asimov wrote for F&SF Magazine in the late 1980s and very early 1990s (he died in 1992). Asimov’s columns in the 1970s went into Ace paperbacks. Collected in SHOOT THE BREEZE are 100 of Foster’s columns from 5enses Magazine. Foster’s best are columns on a motion-picture type of rating system for nature TV shows, and about his love for classical music inspired by Disney movie cartoons, and others such as a discourse on tap water vs. bottled and how publishing conglomerates are ripping him off. For me, the one that really stands out questions why a certain segment of society distrusts science and the development of the COVID-19 vaccine. Perhaps if the general populace would trust the science and cooperate with vaccination procedures, COVID-19 would be long gone.