ed. by Michael Kelly
Undertow Publications
2020, 269 pages, $17.99
ISBN 978-1-988964-16-4
Click here to purchase
Volume 8 of this horror anthology series has a few gems:
“The Somnabulists” by Simon Strantzas. Hotel Inspector Seymour enters the strange and mysterious Hotel Russo. The hotel was constructed very quickly; Seymour was convinced it was a gas station not so long ago. He finally asks the manager, Goodwin, about the hotel, and finds it is a “hotel of dreams” created by somnambulists that have built it out of thin air. One of the dreamers could be Seymour, who swears his aging parents live there.
“Workday” by Kurt Fawver. A mundane company holiday party has a lot of what you expect at these events, full of pettiness and bad judgment, ridden with their own treachery and disaster. But in this case, one company party could prove deadly for a variety of reasons.
A gift of a doll as someone’s evil intent consumes one man in Sean Padraic Birnie’s “Dollface.”